Wednesday 2 December 2009

One of the Best Meals of My Life

This meal didn't happen that recently, but I have been a little slack over the last month or two, and out of all the meals I've eaten since then, this one deserves a mention at least.

For my birthday the Bear took me to New York. It's everything you could ever want for a birthday, to be whisked off on a romantic long weekend. And it was great fun. We ate lots too. At least once every three hours. From pancakes, bagels, deli sandwiches, pizza, pretzels, you name it we ate it.

On the last night we made a reservation at a restaurant we've been wanting to go to for a long time - Les Halles. The scene of Anthony Bourdain's Kitchen Confidential. A restaurant with the motto, American Beef Prepared in the French Style. Not quite so good for me (a pseudo veggie) but very good for my carnivore companion.

We walked eight blocks in the pouring rain to be greeted by a lavish, dimly lit, French paradise. The restaurant is split in two by a long wooden bench and tables emanate from it. Every available space is full of diners, happily chomping down on fois gras and fillet steak. The latest pop tunes bubble away just audible to the diner, and there is an army of aproned staff, each with their own specific task.

I immediately loved the place. It's like Cafe Rouge but a million billion trillion times better. It's relaxed but not scruffy, it's French but not uptight. In short, it's perfect. And bloody cheap.

To start I had Escargot. The snails came in a deep, almost green, garlic butter in a special deep dish with six holes in it to house a snail each. The snails were meaty and juicy. I doubt very much I will ever have escargot like it again.

The Bear went for the Fois of course. Having read Bourdain's books I know he takes his fois gras very seriously, and so did the Bear. There was no talking during the starter. Just contented concentration.

For mains I had Seared Scallops with Artichoke and Potato Crisps. The scallops were huge, almost raw in the middle, and so so tasty. The artichoke had been cooked with fennel and had a lovely subtle aniseed flavour. All this was piled high with strands of potato deep fried until crunchy. It was awesome.

The Bear went for the steak and didn't speak again for a long time. It was expertly cooked and full of flavour. The chips were chunky. And the mayonnaise was homemade (of course).

For dessert we went all out. Oh yeah, Chocolate Souffle time baby. My god. I think I died and went to heaven for a full ten minutes when eating this perfectly gloopy, wicked pud!! The souffle was sat in a sea of hot chocolate sauce, and once stabbed with an eager fork, even more gungy, gooey, gorgeous chocolate oozed out of it. Yum yum yum yum yum yum yum.

The bill came to a piffling $120, which is about £75. What a bargain. The same meal would cost you at least twice that in London.

This restaurant almost makes me want to up sticks and move continent. That's how good it is. If you in New York City, please give this place a try. You won't regret it.

1 comment:

  1. chompy..I want to thank you so much,for telling me about this far I am in the very begining..try to lern..and then start to do my own work..forgeve me if my English is poor,but one thing I w'll always remember that you showed me the corect way,wish you all the best.
    by the way I left the work with T.S.T and no more driving..wish to see you again.
